The UP House Illinois


You Can Change These Outcomes!

20% of foster youth will become homeless the day they age out; 20,000 age out every year.

Fewer than 3% of children who age out of foster care will earn a college degree at any point in their lives.

70% of girls who age out of foster care will be pregnant before they are 21.

60% of sex trafficking victims come from foster care or group homes, according to FBI statistics. The Bureau's July 2023 raids in 70 US cities rescued more than 200 victims of sex trafficking.

50% of children who age out of foster care will develop substance dependence.

20% of young adults who were in foster care report being incarcerated between ages of 17 and 21.

Be UP-lifting!

Ask us about individual or group volunteer opportunities.

    What are your hobbies or recreational interests?

    I understand that a background check and fingerprinting could be required, depending on my volunteer placement.

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    See if your employer offers a matching gift program by clicking this link:


    Rhonda Burns

    Director of Corporate Sponsorship

    Dr. Bonciel Griffin

    Director of Business Affairs & Development

    Dr. Bonciel Griffin

    Director Volunteer & Mentoring

    Dr. Bonciel Griffin

    Director Volunteer & Mentoring